Monday, January 23, 2006

Welcome to the worst day of the year

Researchers have concluded that today, being the fourth Monday in January, is the most depressing day in the year. Or perhaps it’s because the second to last Monday, I can’t remember. I think the researchers are from the University of Cardiff but it might have been somewhere else. Cardiff is in Wales where people are noted for their gloom. January is a bit grim but I reckon that February is worse.

When I had a real job with company pension scheme, staff discounts, team building training, holidays and such like, I liked to get to Easter before taking any days off. That way I thought I’d broken the back of the year and could eek out the rest of my meagre allocation through the remainder of the year.

Meanwhile you can mull over the thought that if you can get through today and if the researchers are correct then the rest of the year should be easy. And the mathematically challenged might ask themselves why, if this is the fourth and also second last Monday and 4+2=6, why there are only five Mondays this year in January (which is one more than the month has in most years).

Why can’t researchers study useful things such as why only a few dozen people visit my blog even though it’s four weeks old this very day?


At 09:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

because second last = penultimate = there's one more to go..
4 + 1 = 5...
For a linguist i'm not bad at maths!

At 10:24, Blogger Unknown said...

Why can’t researchers study useful things such as why only a few dozen people visit my blog even though it’s four weeks old this very day?

It's not easy! Popularity is no guarantee of quality, but I contend that bloggers who consistently write good, thoughtful posts will gradually get picked up by more and more other bloggers.

At 19:56, Blogger The Aunt said...

I did link to you....

Don't worry. If you write it, they will come. Also dare a bit more commenting on other blogs you read. If you're funny or apt or insightful enough, people will follow your identity link to see who you are. I did!

Also get a Clustrmap - - it's breathtaking where your dozen readers will be. One of my mates found he was being linked to as part of an EU politics course in a MidWest university. Knock. Feather.


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